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Wiki page [Environment Variables] by chw 2019-04-26 07:14:09.
D 2019-04-26T07:14:09.686
L Environment\sVariables
P 1e4eed4b750d006bd186e6903e54adb174b3b434
U chw
W 1503
<h2>Environment Variables</h2>

Some environment variables in the <tt>env</tt> array are setup on early startup of AndroWish.


    App specific directory on external storage.


    Path name of external storage (could be internal SD card).


    Path name of external storage (real external SD card).


    App's home directory (internal storage), usually <tt>/data/data/tk.tcl.wish/files</tt>.


    App specific directory on internal storage (identical with <tt>$env(HOME)</tt>).


    System language.


    Load path for shared libraries including app specific directory (usually <tt>/data/data/tk.tcl.wish/libs</tt>).


    On some Android versions extra stuff bundled with the app (currently unused).


    Path name of the app's APK.


    Package name where the app's main class comes from (<tt>tk.tcl.wish</tt>).


    Path for <tt>exec(n)</tt> including app specific directory


    Path name for temporary files (usually <tt>/data/data/tk.tcl.wish/cache</tt>, fallback is value of <tt>$env(HOME)</tt>).

To test if a Tcl script is executing on the Android platform <tt>sdltk android</tt> (see [sdltk command]) should be used.
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