The union of all files from all check-ins
in directory assets/awthemes10
The following files are needed:
awthemes.tcl - main
colorutils.tcl - color utilities
pkgIndex.tcl - package index
awarc.tcl - scalable arc theme
awblack.tcl - scalable black theme
awclearlooks.tcl - scalable clearlooks theme
awdark.tcl - awdark theme
awlight.tcl - awlight theme
awwinxpblue.tcl - scalable winxpblue theme
awbreeze.tcl - scalable breeze theme
awtemplate.tcl - example file to start a new theme
i/ - images
LICENSE - zlib/libpng LICENSE
Demonstration scripts:
demottk.tcl, demoscaled.tcl, demoscaledb.tcl
# application scaling
tclsh demottk.tcl awwinxpblue -fontscale 1.2
# tk scaling only
tclsh demottk.tcl awwinxpblue -ttkscale 2.0
# user with high dpi, smaller font
tclsh demottk.tcl awwinxpblue -ttkscale 2.0 -fontscale 0.7
# scaled styling
tclsh demoscaled.tcl awdark
# multiple scaled styling, alternate colors
# Colors are shared between all styles, they do not each have
# their own set of colors. Only a few colors used in the graphics
# can be changed safely.
tclsh demoscaledb.tcl awdark
# original no-tksvg version of awdark/awlight
tclsh demottk.tcl -notksvg awdark
# option db testing
echo "*TkTheme: awdark" | xrdb -merge -
TCLLIBPATH=$(pwd) tclsh demottk.tcl -optionnone -optiondflt awdark
To load other theme files, use the -autopath option to
adjust the ::auto_path variable:
# loads the original awwinxpblue
tclsh demottk.tcl winxpblue -notksvg -autopath $HOME/mystuff
# loads the scalable awwinxpblue when -notksvg is not present
tclsh demottk.tcl awwinxpblue -autopath $HOME/mystuff
demottk.tcl options:
-accentcolor Change the accent color (awthemes).
-autopath Set ::auto_path.
-background Set the background color using 'setBackgroundColor'
-focuscolor Set the graphics and focus color using
'setHighlightColor' (awthemes).
-fontscale Change the font scaling factor (awthemes).
-fontsize Set the initial font size.
-foreground Set the foreground color (awthemes).
-macstyles Turn on some of the new styles available in the
mac_styles branch.
-nocbt Do not load checkButtonToggle.
-noflex Do not load flexmenu.
-notable Do not load or use tablelist.
-notksvg Do not load or use tksvg.
-optiondb Use the -optiondb method for setMenuColors,
setListboxColors and setTextColors.
-optiondflt Let the *TkTheme option db setting determine the theme.
-optionnone Use the internal optiondb settings (9.6.0).
-sizegrip Replace the sizegrip with the svg version.
True for the aqua theme (requires tksvg).
-styledemo A demonstration of changing widget styles (awthemes).
Changes the progressbar and scale widget styles, turns
off the scrollbar grip and arrows.
-ttkscale Set the the [tk scaling] factor.
10.4.0 2021-06-18
- awdark/awlight : change to use the solid widget theme for combobox
arrows. This fixes scaling issues when the combobox font is changed.
- Added combobox.color.arrow option.
- Fix incorrect colors in arrow/solid widget theme.
- Fix incorrect combobox/solid-bg settings.tcl.
10.3.2 2021-06-11
- Handle ::notksvg properly for 8.7
- Use tk version, not tcl version for 8.7 checks.
- Fix package vcompare.
10.3.1 2021-06-10
- Check for Tcl version 8.7
- Update check for svg image support.
10.3.0 2021-03-22
- Add awbreezedark by Bartek Jasicki
- Add active.color color for use by some widget themes.
- Internal changes to support active color.
- Fixed checkbutton width issues.
- Cleaned up treeview chevron widget theme.
10.2.1 (2021-02-11)
- Set text area -insertbackground so that the cursor has the proper color.
10.2.0 (2021-01-02)
- Add 'getScaleFactor' procedure so that the user can scale
their images appropriately.
10.1.2 (2020-12-20)
- Menus: add support for menu foreground (menu.fg).
- Option database initialization: Do not initialize the menu colors
on Windows. Using 'setMenuColors' on Windows leaves the top menubar
a light color, and the menu colors dark with a large border.
Use: ::ttk::theme::${theme}::setMenuColors -optiondb
to apply anyways.
- setTextColors: Set text foreground colors appropriately.
- Toolbutton: set selected color.
- Menus: add support for menu relief (menu.relief). Default to 'raised'.
Always keep the borderwidth set to 1, unscaled.
- Menus: change background color for menus to a darker color.
- Listbox: change -activestyle to none.
- Development releases. Not intended for public release.
10.0.0 (2020-12-2)
- option database is always updated. The text widget colors will
default to -entry.
- add ttk::theme::<theme> package names so that the option db can
be used to set the theme and the old setTheme and ttk::themes
procedures may be used.
- Breaking change:
Theme name changes to prevent conflicts with the originals.
arc -> awarc, black -> awblack, breeze -> awbreeze,
clearlooks -> awclearlooks, winxpblue -> awwinxpblue.
Required due to the addition of the ttk::theme::<theme> package names.
- Added manual page. (2020-11-16)
- update licensing information
9.5.1 (2020-11-10)
- progressbar/rect-bord: fix: set trough image border.
- setMenuColors: add ability to set the option database.
- setTextColors: add ability to set the option database.
- setListboxColors: add ability to set the option database.
- setMenuColors: change selectColor to use fg.fg (for option database).
- setTextColors: add -background option.
- setTextColors: deprecate -dark option.
9.5.0 (2020-10-29)
- Fix so that multiple scaled styles will work.
- Change so that scaled styles can have (a few of) their own colors.
- Code cleanup
9.4.2 (2020-10-23)
- Renamed internal color names.
This may break backwards compatibility for anyone using
'setThemeColors' or 'getColor'.
- removed 'setThemeGroupColor' function.
- Fix so that a missing or incorrect widget style will fallback
to 'none' and use the parent theme's style.
- breeze, arc: fix active vertical scale handle.
- Added $::themeutils::awversion to allow version checks.
- Fix scalable themes so that they will fail to load if tksvg is
not present.
- Improve scaling/layout of combobox/solid-bg.
- demottk.tcl: added 'package require' as a method to load the themes.
- clean demo code before production releases.
9.4.1 (2020-10-16)
- fix script for clearlooks theme.
9.4.0 (2020-10-16)
- added scalable clearlooks theme.
- scrollbar style: Fix so that a separate scrollbar slider style
can be set, but still uses the progressbar/ directory.
- arrow/solid, arrow/solid-bg, combobox/solid-bg: reduce arrow height.
- treeview heading: improve colors.
- setTextColors: set background color appropriately if the widget
is in a normal state.
- awdark/awlight: no tksvg: improved/fixed arrow colors.
- arc: improved some colors. fixed tab height.
- renamed scale/rect-bord-circle to scale/rect-bord-grip. clean up.
- progressbar/rect-bord: clean up.
- combobox/rounded: new widget style.
- progressbar/rect-diag: new widget style.
- button/roundedrect-gradient: new widget style.
- scale/rect-narrow: new scale/scale-trough widget style.
- demottk.tcl: beta: added a tablelist tab if tablelist 6.11+ is available.
- demottk.tcl: added an '-autopath' option.
9.3.2 (2020-10-5)
- setListboxColors: Fixed to properly set colors on
removal/reinstantiation of a listbox.
- Minor code cleanup.
- setTextColors: Removed configuration of border width.
9.3.1 (2020-9-17)
- Remove debug.
9.3 (2020-9-17)
- Fixed inappropriate toolbutton width setting.
9.2.4 (2020-8-14)
- remove unneeded options for scrollbar
9.2.3 (2020-7-17)
- remove focus ring from treeview selection.
9.2.2 (2020-6-6)
- fix: settextcolors: background color.
9.2.1 (2020-5-20)
- fix: progressbar: rect, rect-bord border size.
9.2 (2020-4-30)
- arc: notebook: use roundedtop-dark style.
- fix: set of background/highlight colors: remove extra adjustment.
- fix: setBackground() color adjustments.
9.1.1 (2020-4-27)
- fix package provide statements.
9.1 (2020-4-27)
- progressbar: rect-bord: fixed sizing.
- progressbar: rect-bord: removed border on trough.
- various fixes for all themes.
- Added 'arc' theme by Sergei Golovan
9.0 (2020-4-23)
- added 'awtemplate.tcl' as an example to start a new theme.
- simplified and regularized all images.
- reworked color settings, made much easier to use.
- reworked all radiobuttons and checkbuttons.
- treeview: added selected arrow right and selected arrow down images.
- arrows: added solid, open triangle styles.
- progressbar: rounded-line: reduced width (breeze).
- various fixes and improvements to all themes.
- fix combobox listbox handler.
- fix combobox color mappings.
8.1 (2020-4-20)
- rename all colors names so that they can be grouped properly
- fix: slider/trough display (padding).
- fix: incorrect combobox state coloring.
- fix background changes so that it only modifies the
properly associated background colors.
- added helper routine 'setThemeGroupColor'
- changed 'setHighlightColor' to also change the select background color.
8.0 (2020-4-18)
- menu radiobuttons and menu checkbuttons are now dynamically generated
and any corresponding .svg files have been removed.
This also fixes menu radio/check button sizing issues for themes
other than awdark and awlight.
- treeview arrows default to inheriting from standard arrows.
- The themes have been reworked such that each widget has different
styles that can be applied. All widget styles are now found in
the i/awthemes/ directory, and individual theme directories are no
longer needed. A theme's style may be overridden by the user.
- style: slider/rect-bord: cleaned up some sizing issues
- style: arrow/solid-bg: cleaned up some sizing issues (awdark/awlight)
- fix: disabled progressbar display.
- fix: disabled trough display.
7.9 (2020-4-12)
- winxpblue: fixed minor focus color issues (entry, combobox).
- fixed incorrect scrollbar background color.
- button: added state {active focus}.
- entry: added ability to set graphics.
- notebook: added hover, disabled graphics.
- combobox: graphics will be set if entry graphics are present.
- combobox: readonly graphics will be set to button graphics if
both entry and button graphics are present (breeze theme).
- menubutton: option to use button graphics for menubuttons.
- toolbutton: option to use button graphics for toolbuttons.
- 'setListBoxColors': remove borderwidth and relief settings.
- spinbox: graphics will be set if entry graphics are present.
- internal code cleanup: various theme settings have been renamed.
- added breeze theme (based on Maximilian Lika's breeze theme 0.8).
- add new helper routines to ::themeutils to set the background color
and to set the focus/highlight color.
- awdark/awlight: no tksvg: Fixed some grip/slider colors.
- fix user color overrides
7.8 (2020-3-8)
- fix highlight background/color for text/label widgets.
7.7 (2020-1-17)
- fix crash when tksvg not present.
- improve awdark border colors.
7.6 (2019-12-7)
- better grip design
7.5 (2019-12-4)
- reworked all .svg files.
- cleaned up notebook colors.
- fixed scaling issue with scaled style scaling.
- fixed combobox scaling.
- fixed scrollbar arrows.
- scaled combobox listbox scrollbar.
7.4 (2019-12-3)
- added hasImage routine for use by checkButtonToggle
- Fix menu highlight color
7.3 (2019-12-2)
- fix spinbox scaled styling
7.2 (2019-12-2)
- setBackground will not do anything if the background color is unchanged.
- fixed a bug with graphical buttons.
- make setbackground more robust.
7.1 (2019-12-1)
- fix border/padding scaling, needed for rounded buttons/tabs.
7.0 (2019-11-30)
- clean up .svg files to use alpha channel for disabled colors.
- calculate some disabled colors.
- fix doc.
- split out theme specific code into separate files.
- Fix scaledStyle set of treeview indicator.
- make the tab topbar a generalized option.
- merge themeutils package
- clean up notebook tabs.
- winxpcblue: notebook tab graphics.
- winxpcblue: disabled images.
- black: disabled cb/rb images.
- black: add labelframe color.
6.0 (2019-11-23)
- fix !focus colors
- slider border color
- various styling fixes and improvements
- separate scrollbar color
- optional scrollbar grip
- button images are now supported
- added winxpblue scalable theme
- fixed missing awdark and awlight labelframe
awthemes 5.1 (2019-11-20)
- add more colors to support differing spinbox and scroll arrow colors.
- awlight, awdark, black theme cleanup
- rename menubutton arrow .svg files.
- menubutton styling fixes
awthemes 5.0
- rewrite so that the procedures are no longer duplicated.
- rewrite set of arrow height/width and combobox arrow height.
- Add scaledStyle procedure to add a scaled style to the theme.
- Added a user configurable scaling factor.
awthemes 4.2.1
- fix pkgIndex.tcl to be able to load the themes
awthemes 4.2
- fix scaling of images.
- size menu radiobutton and checkbutton images.
- add support for flexmenu.
awthemes 4.1
- breaking change: renamed tab.* color names to*
- fix bugs in setBackground and setHighlight caused by the color
- fix where the hover color for check and radio buttons is set.
awthemes 4.0
- added support for other clam based themes.
- breaking change: the .svg files are now loaded from the filesystem
in order to support multiple themes.
- breaking change: All of the various colors and derived colors have
been renamed.
- awdark/awlight: Fixed empty treeview indicator.
- added scalable 'black' theme.
awthemes 3.1
- Added themeutils.tcl.
::themeutils::setThemeColors awdark color-name color ...
allows the colors to be set. The graphical colors will be
changed when tksvg is in use. See themeutils.tcl for a list
of color names.
awthemes 3.0
- Breaking change: The package name has been renamed so
that 'package require awdark' works.
- Support for tksvg has been added.
New graphics have been added to support tksvg, and the graphics
will scale according to the 'tk scaling' setting.
'tk scaling' must be set prior to the package require statement.
- demottk.tcl has been updated to have scalable fonts.
The 'tk scaling' factor may be specified on the command line:
demottk.tcl <theme> [-scale <tk-scaling>]