The union of all files from all check-ins in directory assets/materialicons0.2 [history]
MaterialIcons 0.2
A Tcl/Tk package wrapping the Material Design Icons.
package require Tk
package require tdom
package require tksvg
package require MaterialIcons
MaterialIcons names ?pattern?
MaterialIcons svg name ?color? ?opacity? ?stroke? ?strokewidth?
MaterialIcons image name ?size? ?color? ?opacity?
MaterialIcons image_nc name ?size? ?color? ?opacity?
MaterialIcons image_ncg name imgname ?options?
MaterialIcons flush
MaterialIcons rebuild
Method names
returns an alphabetically sorted list of icon names
matching the given pattern
, or all, if pattern
is omitted.
Method svg
returns an SVG string for the icon name
with optional fill
color color
(defaults to black), optional fill opacity opacity
(defaults to 1.0), optional stroke color stroke
(defaults to none),
and optional stroke width strokewidth
(defaults to 1.0).
Method image
creates and returns a photo image for the icon name
optional fill color color
(defaults to black) and optional fill opacity
(defaults to 1.0). The size
option specifies the integer icon
size. If it is negative, the size is in pixels, otherwise in points. The
default value for size
is 16 points. The photo image is kept in an image
cache for later re-use.
Method image_nc
is similar to method image
except that no caching is
performed, i.e. a newly created image is returned.
Method image_ncg
is similar to method image_nc
but allows to provide
a specific image name and render options as keyword arguments -size
, -opacity
, -stroke
, and -strokewidth
. Size and stroke width
can be specified as floating point numbers with an optional unit suffix:
d (density points), p (points), or m (millimeters). The stroke width is
scaled unless a unit suffix is used or a negative number is given.
Method flush
deletes all cached icon photo images.
Method rebuild
recreates all cached icon photo images which have a size
in points. This is useful when the tk scaling factor is changed at runtime.
A utility script named show.tcl
demonstrates the usage of this package
and displays all icons in a canvas widget.