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Check-ins with non-propagating tags:
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13:55 | Add ChangeLog for 5.45.4 release Leaf check-in: 0a2dd35d85 user: pyssling tags: trunk, expect-5-45-4 | |
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22:09 | * expect.c: [Bug 3095935]: Convert #bytes information to #chars to prevent later code to fail when copying strings around and miscalculating how much to copy, for strings containing non-ASCII utf chars. check-in: f0fd8a8574 user: andreas_kupries tags: trunk, expect_5_45 | |
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16:03 | /tmp/f check-in: 659defba32 user: eee tags: expect_5_44_1_15, trunk | |
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04:00 | spellfix Leaf check-in: def1002944 user: libes tags: trunk, scriptics-bc-1-0-b1, master-UNNAMED-BRANCH | |
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22:10 | fixed dup case in clib due to multiple defs of ENOTSUP/OPNOTSUP added passmass -su check-in: 72c130b61f user: libes tags: trunk, master-UNNAMED-BRANCH, scriptics-tclpro-1-3-0 | |
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23:03 | changed refernce to exp_library from "command" to "global variable" check-in: 1c02505f65 user: hershey tags: trunk, master-UNNAMED-BRANCH, scriptics-tclpro-1-3-b4 | |
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21:13 | The install-doc target now installs the expect, expectk, and libexpect man pages. check-in: 3b5915cbed user: wart tags: trunk, master-UNNAMED-BRANCH, expect-5-31 | |