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9 events for 2015-02 by user viriketo

14:06 Edit [d0b1b1114ed512bd|d0b1b1114e]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: d90471cc95 user: viriketo
14:05 Edit [d0b1b1114ed512bd|d0b1b1114e]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 4fc534ff9b user: viriketo
11:09 Edit [f14798e0e3d0fe98|f14798e0e3]: Mark "Closed". artifact: b336237849 user: viriketo
11:01 Edit [f14798e0e3d0fe98|f14798e0e3]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: d49c44e842 user: viriketo
viric's flavour of fossil, which includes the cherry-picked changes out of trunk: [d0b1b1114] [39e165afb] [dad37196f] [f309130a8]. This outdates the branch annotate_links ([f14798e0e3]), which has some extra changes, some hard to port. This lets the browser pick the right program to open them straight. check-in: b31afcc2ca user: viriketo tags: viric_flavour
Add a link in the checkin page to show the changes in the branch in respect to the parent branch. It finds the last merge from parent to the current branch for the comparison. check-in: f309130a8b user: viriketo tags: viric_pbranch
Fixing parentheses closing in the finfo page. check-in: 042ec2b9c3 user: viriketo tags: trunk
Show the branch in the checkin description (artifact and file diff pages). Closed-Leaf check-in: dad37196fb user: viriketo tags: viric_showbranch
New way to calculate the automatic branch colours. It's a matter of taste, but I prefer this way; the colours often become more different. Closed-Leaf check-in: 39e165afb3 user: viriketo tags: viric_newcolours