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9 events for 2019-07 by user stephan

Fixed fossil_strcmp() usage in cgi_init() when in JSON mode. Through some extremely serendipitous fluke, its broken usage just happened to work until a bit was removed from that function in [ec56c69f] which, purely coincidentally, caused the bug (mine, from 2011!) to start triggering when x-www-form-urlencoded forms were submitted (login/logout). Before that, the buggy block never got a chance to trigger for those forms. check-in: 115a70b2df user: stephan tags: trunk
Merged in autosetupAndJimTcl branch (autosetup updates). check-in: 51d006f851 user: stephan tags: trunk
Removed an old (#if 0)'d-out block - the permissions check it was blocking out is performed further down in the function. check-in: 7bd4bca2f4 user: stephan tags: trunk
04:02 Edit [1bf7985d109f3b3c|1bf7985d10]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 12adf1bb22 user: stephan
14:37 Edit [1bf7985d109f3b3c|1bf7985d10]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: fb76909bb9 user: stephan
When activating one of the new "in reply to" links, tag the newly-focused post with CSS class forumSelReplyTo so that it can be visually marked. Added default forumSelReplyTo CSS class which uses the same border as forumTime but with a dotted style. EDIT: do not merge with trunk - there are problems to solve (if feasible) regarding linking to edited posts, as their IDs are of course different, as well as linking responses made to deleted posts. Closed-Leaf check-in: 1bf7985d10 user: stephan tags: forum-reply-links
Replaced the forum post DIV ids forum{RID} with post-{short-UUID}, which allowed removal of the new A NAME tag and enables permalinks (RIDs are volatile). Added forumPost class to all post DIVs, to hopefully simplify some upcoming JS code. check-in: 69364ba515 user: stephan tags: forum-reply-links
Switched Immediately-Invoked Function Expression parentheses from Crockford-style to the more conventional/portable style. See for details. check-in: 5d9d62d818 user: stephan tags: trunk
Per request in forumpost/9fd5135acc, added intra-document links to each response which link back to the being-replied-to post within the same page (using an #anchor-tag), without reloading from the server. check-in: 78721d4aa0 user: stephan tags: forum-reply-links