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fx_app(n) 1 doc "FX - Extended Fossil Management"


fx_app - fx - Application

Table Of Contents


  • package require Tcl 8.5


Welcome to fx, an application and set of packages providing extended management commands for the fossil SCM.

Please read the document fx - Introduction to fx, if you have not done so already, to get an overview of the whole system.

Here we document the fx application available to a user of fx, i.e. anybody using (or wishing to use) fx to help with their management of fossil repositories.

Actually we are only refering to the help system built into the application and accessible through the help command, i.e. fx help. This documents all commands, their arguments and options.

As it is integral to the Cmdr-based cli specification used in the implementation it will always be up-to-date in a way this manpage cannot be.


This application and its supporting packages, written by Andreas Kupries, are BSD licensed.

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such at the fx Tracker. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.


fossil, scm


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