

Tcl 2015 Conference, Manassas/VA, US, Oct 19-23
Send your abstracts to by Aug 24.


Displaying and modifying an SQLite DB using Tcl code stored in the DB

Start with a .tcl script (around 200 kB) if you already have a Tcl/Tk installation (SQLite3 and tktable required), or a .kit file (Win, linux 32 and linux 64 binaries of SQLite and tktable included in addition to the script file, around 1.5 MB) if you run Tcl from a tclkit.

On startup from either of these files, GEB offers some choices as to what DB it should use for storing its code: it can be an existing disk file, a new disk file, or a :memory: DB. In either of the first two cases a small boot script file is created, and the original script or kit need not be used again. If you choose to use a :memory: DB, you will need to continue to start GEB the same way again, but this can be a convenient way of exploring the capabilities.

Further documentation is available here.