The "/timeline" page:
Query parameters:
a=TIMEORTAG After this event
b=TIMEORTAG Before this event
c=TIMEORTAG "Circa" this event
m=TIMEORTAG Mark this event
n=COUNT Maximum number of events. "all" for no limit
p=CHECKIN Parents and ancestors of CHECKIN
d=CHECKIN Children and descendants of CHECKIN
t=TAG Show only check-ins with the given TAG
r=TAG Show check-ins related to TAG, equivalent to t=TAG&rel
rel Show related check-ins as well as those matching t=TAG
mionly Limit rel to show ancestors but not descendants
ms=MATCHSTYLE Set tag match style to EXACT, GLOB, LIKE, REGEXP
u=USER Only show items associated with USER
y=TYPE 'ci', 'w', 't', 'e', 'f', or 'all'.
ss=VIEWSTYLE c: "Compact" v: "Verbose" m: "Modern" j: "Columnar"
advm Use the "Advanced" or "Busy" menu design.
ng No Graph.
nd Do not highlight the focus check-in
v Show details of files changed
f=CHECKIN Show family (immediate parents and children) of CHECKIN
from=CHECKIN Path from...
to=CHECKIN ... to this
shortest ... show only the shortest path
uf=FILE_HASH Show only check-ins that contain the given file version
chng=GLOBLIST Show only check-ins that involve changes to a file whose
name matches one of the comma-separate GLOBLIST
brbg Background color from branch name
ubg Background color from user
namechng Show only check-ins that have filename changes
forks Show only forks and their children
ym=YYYY-MM Show only events for the given year/month
yw=YYYY-WW Show only events for the given week of the given year
yw=YYYY-MM-DD Show events for the week that includes the given day
ymd=YYYY-MM-DD Show only events on the given day
days=N Show events over the previous N days
datefmt=N Override the date format
bisect Show the check-ins that are in the current bisect
showid Show RIDs
showsql Show the SQL text
p= and d= can appear individually or together. If either p= or d=
appear, then u=, y=, a=, and b= are ignored.
If both a= and b= appear then both upper and lower bounds are honored.
CHECKIN or TIMEORTAG can be a check-in hash prefix, or a tag, or the
name of a branch.