sqltools_procs - Module sqltools procs
Attach a list of DB names to a given DB Arguments db An olog.db database created with "sqlite3 db2 $path" attachList A list of paths to olog databases Results Original db is modified to include attachments
Remove comments and flourishes from sqlite statements
Translate a block of SQL into is "canonical" form. This means removing all comments and changing all whitespace to a single space. All text is converted to lower case. The result is a list of statements.
Reverse engineer a dict from a schema
Returns a list of databases attached to a database Arguments db DB name from something like 'sqlite3 db abc.sql' Results No side effects.
Return schema, less the comments Arguments db Database tblName Name of table Results
Return a list of tables that match a pattern Arguments db Database handle to use - from "sqlite3 db foo.sql" pattern An sql style pattern useAttached If set, all attached databases are also examined, if == 0, then only the main database is examined. Results No Side Effects
Sean Woods
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category sqltools of the Odielib Trackers. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.
Copyright © 2000-2014 Sean Woods <yoda@etoyoc.com>