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Wiki page [Sherpa Recipes] by hypnotoad 2015-11-19 18:12:35.
D 2015-11-19T18:12:35.843
L Sherpa\sRecipes
P f34462daa864597cc12d93c349ee2a7094645caa
U hypnotoad
W 2098
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Sherpa Recipes are TclOO objects which conduct the download, unpacking, configuration, installation, and repackaging of code.

They are a combination of three different types of objects:
<li>sherpa.distribution - File distribution methods (tarball, fossil, git, etc.)
<li>sherpa.buildsystem - Driver for configuration, builds, and installs (autoconf, cmake, sak, etc)
<li>sherpa.module - Record keeping, journaling, and repackaging

A typical recipe will look like this:

sherpa::recipe udp {
  module udp
  distribution fossil
  toolset tea
  fossil_url {}
  package_binary 1
  package_binary_tk 0
  package_version 1.0.10
  destroot_capabable 0

<b>sherpa::recipe</b> is a tcl command. It's the wrapper around the creation of the recipe object. It's arguments are:
<li>class name | tclOO body

If the last argument is a single list element, it is assumed to the name of a pre-built class. If it is any longer it is interpreted as a TclOO define for a new class.

A more complex example:

oo::class create sherpa.buildsystem.core {
  superclass sherpa.distribution.fossil sherpa.buildsystem.autoconf sherpa.module
  method path-source {} {
    return [file join [my module_path] [my <toolset> tcl get platform_source_dir]]
  method sherpa_vfs_install path {}

sherpa::recipe tcl {
  class sherpa.buildsystem.core
  package_name Tcl
  package_version 8.6.4
  fossil_tag release
} {
  method build-options {} {
    return [my <toolset> tcl get config_flags]

In this case, we are defining a new family of recipes. And even with the new family, each recipe still needs to define a custom set of build options. And... because this is the Tcl core, we don't provide the customary method for packing the contents into a VFS. (There's a separate system for populating the VFS with the boot code for Tcl.)
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