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oauth - oauth
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oauth(n) 1.0 tcllib "oauth"


oauth - oauth API base signature


The oauth package provides a simple Tcl-only library for communication with oauth APIs. This current version of the package supports the Oauth 1.0 Protocol, as specified in RFC 5849.

TLS Security Considerations

This package uses the TLS package to handle the security for https urls and other socket connections.

Policy decisions like the set of protocols to support and what ciphers to use are not the responsibility of TLS, nor of this package itself however. Such decisions are the responsibility of whichever application is using the package, and are likely influenced by the set of servers the application will talk to as well.

For example, in light of the recent POODLE attack discovered by Google many servers will disable support for the SSLv3 protocol. To handle this change the applications using TLS must be patched, and not this package, nor TLS itself. Such a patch may be as simple as generally activating tls1 support, as shown in the example below.

    package require tls
    tls::init -tls1 1 ;# forcibly activate support for the TLS1 protocol
    ... your own application code ...



When this command is invoked without arguments it returns a dictionary containing the current values of all options.

::oauth::config ?options...?

When invoked with arguments, options followed by their values, it is used to set and query various parameters of application and client, like proxy host and user agent for the HTTP requests. The detailed list of options is below:

-accesstoken string

This is the user's token.

-accesstokensecret string

This is the user's secret token.

-consumerkey string

This is the public token of your app.

-consumersecret string

This is the private token of your app.

-debug bool

The default value is off. If you change this option to on, the basic signature just created will be printed to stdout, among other debug output.

-oauthversion version

This is the version of the OAuth protocol to use. At the moment only 1.0 is supported, the default.

-proxyhost hostname

You can set up a proxy host for send contact the oauth's api server.

-proxyport port-number

Port number of your proxy.

-signmethod method

The signature method to use. OAuth 1.0 only supports HMAC-SHA1, the default.

-timeout milliseconds

Timeout in milliseconds for your query. The default value is 6000, i.e. 6 seconds.

-urlencoding encoding

The encoding used for creating the x-url-encoded URLs with ::http::formatQuery. The default is utf-8, as specified by RFC 2718.

::oauth::header baseURL ?postQuery?

This command is the base signature creator. With proper settings for various tokens and secrets (See ::oauth::config) the result is the base authentication string to send to the server.

You do not need to call this procedure to create the query because ::oauth::query (see below) will do for it for you. Doing so is useful for debugging purposes, though.

url baseURL

This argument is the URI path to the OAuth API server. If you plan send a GET query, you should provide a full path.

::oauth::header {} 
url-encoded-string postQuery

When you have to send a header in POST format, you have to put the query string into this argument.

::oauth::header {} {user_id=158812437&follow=true}
::oauth::query baseURL ?postQuery?

This procedure will use the settings made with ::oauth::config to create the basic authentication and then send the command to the server API. It takes the same arguments as ::oauth::header.

The returned result will be a list containing 2 elements. The first element will be a dictionary containing the HTTP header data response. This allows you, for example, to check the X-Rate-Limit from OAuth. The second element will be the raw data returned from API server. This string is usually a json object which can be further decoded with the functions of package json, or any other json-parser for Tcl.

Here is an example of how it would work in Twitter. Do not forget to replace the placeholder tokens and keys of the example with your own tokens and keys when trying it out.

% package require oauth
% package require json
% oauth::config -consumerkey {your_consumer_key} -consumersecret {your_consumer_key_secret} -accesstoken {your_access_token} -accesstokensecret {your_access_token_secret}
% set response [oauth::query]
% set jsondata [lindex $response 1]
% set data [json::json2dict $jsondata]
$ set data [lindex $data 0]
% dict for {key val} $data {puts "$key => $val"}
id => 158812437
id_str => 158812437
name => Un Librepensador
screen_name => AbiertaMente
location => Explico mis tuits ahí →
description => 160Caracteres para un SMS y contaba mi vida entera sin recortar vocales. Ahora en Twitter, podemos usar hasta 140 y a mí me sobrarían 20 para contaros todo lo q
url =>
entities => url {urls {{url expanded_url display_url indices {0 22}}}} description {urls {}}
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notifications => false

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category oauth of the Tcllib Trackers. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

