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transfer::copy(n) 0.2 tcllib "Data transfer facilities"
transfer::copy - Data transfer foundation
- package require Tcl 8.4
- package require transfer::copy ?0.2?
- transfer::copy::do chan|string data outchannel ?options...?
- transfer::copy::chan channel outchannel ?options...?
- transfer::copy::string string outchannel ?options...?
- transfer::copy::doChan channel outchannel optvar
- transfer::copy::doString string outchannel optvar
- transfer::copy::options outchannel optionlist optvar
This package provides a number of commands for the asynchronous of information contained in either a string or channel. The main point of this package is that the commands here provide a nicer callback API than the builtin command fcopy, making the use of these facilities simpler than the builtin.
- transfer::copy::do chan|string data outchannel ?options...?
This command transfers the information in data to the outchannel, according to the options. The type of the information in data is determined by the first argument.
The options available to this command are the same as are available to the command transfer::copy::options, and explained there.
- chan
The argument data contains the handle of a channel and the actual infomration to transfer is read from that channel.
- string
The argument data contains a string and this is the information to be transfered.
- transfer::copy::chan channel outchannel ?options...?
This command is a shorter and more direct form for the command transfer::copy::do chan.
- transfer::copy::string string outchannel ?options...?
This command is a shorter and more direct form for the command transfer::copy::do string.
- transfer::copy::doChan channel outchannel optvar
This command is an alternate form of transfer::copy::chan which reads its options out of the array variable named by optvar instead of from a variable length argument list.
- transfer::copy::doString string outchannel optvar
This command is an alternate form of transfer::copy::string which reads its options out of the array variable named by optvar instead of from a variable length argument list.
- transfer::copy::options outchannel optionlist optvar
This command is the option processor used by all the commands above which read their options from a variable length argument list. It first reads default settings from the channel handle outchannel, then processes the list of options in optionlist, at last stores the results in the array variable named by optvar. The contents of that variable are in a format which is directly understood by all the commands above which read their options out of an array variable.
The recognized options are:
Bugs, Ideas, Feedback
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category transfer of the Tcllib Trackers. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.
Transfer module
Copyright © 2006-2009 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>