Tcl Library Source Code
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Bounty program for improvements to Tcl and certain Tcl packages.
Tcl 2018 Conference, Houston/TX, US, Oct 15-19
Send your abstracts to or submit via the online form
by Aug 20.
8 new packages in 7 modules
47 changed packages in 30 modules
389 unchanged packages in 115 modules
446 packages, total in 131 modules, total


Change Details Comments
Major API incompatible API changes
Minor EF Extended functionality, API
I Major rewrite, but no API change
Patch B Bug fixes
EX New examples
P Performance enhancement
None T Testsuite changes
D Documentation updates

New in Tcllib 1.20

Module Package Version Comments
clay clay 0.8.6
fileutil fileutil::paths 1 Replaces: doctools::paths, (pt) paths.
lazyset lazyset 1
math math::quasirandom 1.0
math::trig 1.0
practcl practcl 0.16.3
struct struct::map 1 Replaces: doctools::config, (pt) configuration.
textutil textutil::patch 0.1
textutil::wcswidth 35.1

Deprecations in Tcllib 1.20

Four packages are stage 1 deprecated in favor of two replacements. All internal users of the deprecated packages have been rewritten to use their replacements.

Module Package Replacement Deprecation stage
doctools doctools::paths fileutil::paths (D1) Redirected to replacements
doctools doctools::config struct::map (D1) Redirected to replacements
pt paths fileutil::paths (D1) Redirected to replacements
pt configuration struct::map (D1) Redirected to replacements

Stage 1 (D1) means that:

Future progress:

Changes from Tcllib 1.19 to 1.20

Module Package From 1.19 To 1.20 Comments
blowfish blowfish 1.0.4 1.0.5 B, D, T
cache cache::async 0.3 0.3.1 B, D, T
dns dns 1.4 1.4.1 B, D, T
doctools doctools 1.4.21 1.5.6 B
doctools::idx 1.0.7 1.1 EF, D, T
doctools::toc 1.1.6 1.2 EF, B, D, T
doctools2idx doctools::idx::export 0.2 0.2.1 I, D, T
doctools::idx::import 0.2 0.2.1 I, D, T
doctools2toc doctools::toc::export 0.2 0.2.1 I, D, T
doctools::toc::import 0.2 0.2.1 I, D, T
dtplite dtplite 1.3 1.3.1 B, D
html html 1.4.4 1.4.5 EF, B, D, T
http autoproxy (1) 1.6 1.7 EF, B, D, T
httpd httpd 4.1.0 4.3.4 I, B, D, T
log log 1.3 1.4 EF, D, T
logger::utils 1.3 1.3.1 B, D, T
markdown Markdown 1.1 1.1.1 B, T
math math::calculus 0.8.2 0.8.2 D
math::interpolate 1.1.1 1.1.2 B
math::special (1) 0.3 0.4 EF, D, T
math::geometry 1.2.3 1.3.1 EF, D, T
math::numtheory 1.1 1.1.1 EF, D, T
math::statistics (1) 1.1.1 1.5 EF, D, T
mime mime 1.6 1.6.2 B, D, T
smtp 1.4.5 1.5 EF, D, T
namespacex namespacex 0.1 0.2 EF, I, B, D, T
ncgi ncgi 1.4.3 1.4.4 B, D, T
oauth oauth 1.0.1 1.0.3 B, D
png png 0.2 0.3 EF, D, T
practcl practcl (2) 0.11 0.16.3 EF, I, D
profiler profiler 0.3 0.5 B, D, T
pt pt::peg::export 1 1.0.1 I, D, T
pt::peg::import 1 1.0.1 I, D, T
pt::peg::op 1.0.1 1.1.0 B, I, D
sha1 sha1 2.0.3 2.0.4 B, D
sha256 1.0.3 1.0.4 B, D
simulation simulation::random 0.3.1 0.4.0 EF, D, T
struct struct::disjointset (2) 1.0 1.1 EF, I, D, T
struct::graph 2.4.1 2.4.3 B, D, T
struct::list 1.8.3 1.8.4 B, D, T
struct::matrix 2.0.3 2.0.4 B, D, T
struct::record 1.2.1 1.2.2 B, D ,T
textutil textutil 0.8 0.9 EF, D, T
uuid uuid 1.0.5 1.0.7 B, D, T
virtchannel_base tcl::chan::cat 1.0.2 1.0.3 B, D
tcl::chan::halfpipe 1 1.0.1 B, T
zip zipfile::mkzip 1.2 1.2.1 B, D


  1. Now requires Tcl 8.5+
  2. Now requires Tcl 8.6+


aes, ascii85, asn, base32, base32::core, base32::hex, base64,
bee, bench, bench::in, bench::out::csv, bench::out::text,
bibtex, calendar, char, cksum, clock::iso8601,
clock::rfc2822, cmdline, comm, control,
coroutine, coroutine::auto, counter, crc16, crc32, cron, csv,
debug, debug::caller, debug::heartbeat, debug::timestamp, defer,
des, dicttool, docstrip, docstrip::util, doctools::toc (v2),
doctools::changelog, doctools::cvs, doctools::idx (v2),
doctools::html, doctools::html::cssdefaults,
doctools::idx::export::docidx, doctools::idx::export::html,
doctools::idx::export::json, doctools::idx::export::nroff,
doctools::idx::export::text, doctools::idx::export::wiki,
doctools::idx::import::docidx, doctools::idx::import::json,
doctools::idx::parse, doctools::idx::structure,
doctools::msgcat, doctools::msgcat::idx::c,
doctools::msgcat::idx::de, doctools::msgcat::idx::en,
doctools::msgcat::idx::fr, doctools::msgcat::toc::c,
doctools::msgcat::toc::de, doctools::msgcat::toc::en,
doctools::msgcat::toc::fr, doctools::nroff::man_macros,
doctools::tcl::parse, doctools::text,
doctools::toc::export::doctoc, doctools::toc::export::html,
doctools::toc::export::json, doctools::toc::export::nroff,
doctools::toc::export::text, doctools::toc::export::wiki,
doctools::toc::import::doctoc, doctools::toc::import::json,
doctools::toc::parse, doctools::toc::structure, exif, fileutil,
fileutil::decode, fileutil::magic::cfront,
fileutil::magic::cgen, fileutil::magic::filetype,
fileutil::magic::rt, fileutil::multi, fileutil::multi::op,
fileutil::traverse, ftp, ftp::geturl, ftpd, generator, gpx,
grammar::aycock, grammar::aycock::debug,
grammar::aycock::runtime, grammar::fa, grammar::fa::dacceptor,
grammar::fa::dexec, grammar::fa::op, grammar::me::cpu,
grammar::me::cpu::core, grammar::me::cpu::gasm,
grammar::me::tcl, grammar::me::util, grammar::peg,
grammar::peg::interp, hook, htmlparse, http::wget, huddle,
huddle::json, ident, imap4, inifile, interp,
interp::delegate::method, interp::delegate::proc, ip, irc,
javascript, jpeg, json, json::write, lambda, ldap, ldapx,
logger, logger::appender, map::geocode::nominatim, map::slippy,
map::slippy::cache, map::slippy::fetcher, mapproj,
math, math::bigfloat, math::bignum, math::calculus::symdiff,
math::complexnumbers, math::constants, math::decimal,
math::exact, math::fourier, math::fuzzy,
math::linearalgebra, math::machineparameters, math::optimize,
math::PCA, math::polynomials, math::rationalfunctions,
math::roman, md4, md5, md5crypt, multiplexer,
nameserv, nameserv::auto, nameserv::common, nameserv::server,
nettool, nmea, nntp, odie::processman, oo::dialect, oo::meta,
oo::option, oo::util, otp, page::analysis::peg::emodes,
page::analysis::peg::minimize, page::analysis::peg::reachable,
page::analysis::peg::realizable, page::compiler::peg::mecpu,
page::config::peg, page::gen::peg::canon, page::gen::peg::cpkg,
page::gen::peg::hb, page::gen::peg::me, page::gen::peg::mecpu,
page::gen::peg::ser, page::gen::tree::text, page::parse::lemon,
page::parse::peg, page::parse::peghb, page::parse::pegser,
page::pluginmgr, page::reader::hb, page::reader::lemon,
page::reader::peg, page::reader::ser, page::reader::treeser,
page::transform::mecpu, page::transform::reachable,
page::transform::realizable, page::util::flow,
page::util::norm::lemon, page::util::norm::peg, page::util::peg,
page::util::quote, page::writer::hb, page::writer::identity,
page::writer::me, page::writer::mecpu, page::writer::null,
page::writer::peg, page::writer::ser, page::writer::tpc,
page::writer::tree, picoirc, pki, pluginmgr, pop3, pop3d,
pop3d::dbox, pop3d::udb, processman, pt::ast,
pt::cparam::configuration::tea, pt::parse::peg, pt::pe,
pt::pe::op, pt::peg, pt::peg::container,
pt::peg::container::peg, pt::peg::export::container,
pt::peg::export::json, pt::peg::export::peg,
pt::peg::from::json, pt::peg::from::peg, pt::peg::import::json,
pt::peg::import::peg, pt::peg::interp, pt::peg::to::container,
pt::peg::to::cparam, pt::peg::to::json, pt::peg::to::param,
pt::peg::to::peg, pt::peg::to::tclparam, pt::pgen, pt::rde,
pt::rde::nx, pt::rde::oo, pt::tclparam::configuration::nx,
pt::tclparam::configuration::tcloo, pt::util, rc4, rcs, report,
resolv, rest, ripemd128, ripemd160, S3, SASL, SASL::NTLM,
SASL::SCRAM, SASL::XGoogleToken, simulation::annealing,
simulation::montecarlo, smtpd, snit, soundex, spf, stooop,
string::token, string::token::shell, stringprep, sha1 (v1),
stringprep::data, struct, struct::graph::op,
struct::pool, struct::prioqueue, struct::queue, struct::set,
struct::skiplist, struct::stack, struct::tree, sum, switched,
tar, tcl::chan::core, tcl::chan::events, tcl::chan::facade,
tcl::chan::fifo, tcl::chan::fifo2,
tcl::chan::memchan, tcl::chan::null, tcl::chan::nullzero,
tcl::chan::random, tcl::chan::std, tcl::chan::string,
tcl::chan::textwindow, tcl::chan::variable, tcl::chan::zero,
tcl::randomseed, tcl::transform::adler32,
tcl::transform::base64, tcl::transform::core,
tcl::transform::counter, tcl::transform::crc32,
tcl::transform::hex, tcl::transform::identity,
tcl::transform::limitsize, tcl::transform::observe,
tcl::transform::otp, tcl::transform::rot,
tcl::transform::spacer, tcl::transform::zlib, tclDES, tclDESjr,
tepam, tepam::doc_gen, term, term::ansi::code,
term::ansi::code::attr, term::ansi::code::ctrl,
term::ansi::code::macros, term::ansi::ctrl::unix,
term::ansi::send, term::interact::menu, term::interact::pager,
term::receive, term::receive::bind, term::send, text::write,
textutil::adjust, textutil::expander, textutil::repeat,
textutil::split, textutil::string, textutil::tabify,
textutil::trim, throw, tie, tie::std::array, tie::std::dsource,
tie::std::file, tie::std::growfile, tie::std::log,
tie::std::rarray, tiff, time, tool, transfer::connect,
transfer::copy, transfer::copy::queue,
transfer::data::destination, transfer::data::source,
transfer::receiver, transfer::transmitter, treeql, try,
udpcluster, uevent, uevent::onidle, unicode, unicode::data,
units, uri, uri::urn, uuencode, valtype::common,
valtype::creditcard::amex, valtype::creditcard::discover,
valtype::creditcard::mastercard, valtype::creditcard::visa,
valtype::gs1::ean13, valtype::iban, valtype::imei,
valtype::isbn, valtype::luhn, valtype::luhn5, valtype::usnpi,
valtype::verhoeff, websocket, wip, xsxp, yaml, yencode,
zipfile::decode, zipfile::encode