aes Implementation of the AES block cipher
ascii85 ascii85-encode/decode binary data
asn ASN.1 BER encoder/decoder
autoproxy Automatic HTTP proxy usage and authentication
base32 base32 standard encoding
base32::core Expanding basic base32 maps
base32::hex base32 extended hex encoding
base64 base64-encode/decode binary data
bee BitTorrent Serialization Format Encoder/Decoder
bench bench - Processing benchmark suites
bench::in bench::in - Reading benchmark results
bench::out::csv bench::out::csv - Formatting benchmark results as CSV
bench::out::text bench::out::text - Formatting benchmark results as human readable text
bench_intro bench introduction
bench_lang_intro bench language introduction
bench_lang_spec bench language specification
bibtex Parse bibtex files
blowfish Implementation of the Blowfish block cipher
cache::async Asynchronous in-memory cache
cksum Calculate a cksum(1) compatible checksum
clay A minimalist framework for large scale OO Projects
clock_iso8601 Parsing ISO 8601 dates/times
clock_rfc2822 Parsing RFC 2822 dates/times
cmdline Procedures to process command lines and options.
comm A remote communication facility for Tcl (8.5 and later)
comm_wire The comm wire protocol
control Procedures for control flow structures.
coroutine Coroutine based event and IO handling
coroutine::auto Automatic event and IO coroutine awareness
counter Procedures for counters and histograms
crc16 Perform a 16bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
crc32 Perform a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
cron Tool for automating the period callback of commands
csv Procedures to handle CSV data.
debug debug narrative - core
debug::caller debug narrative - caller
debug::heartbeat debug narrative - heartbeat
debug::timestamp debug narrative - timestamping
defer Defered execution
deleg_method Creation of comm delegates (snit methods)
deleg_proc Creation of comm delegates (procedures)
des Implementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers
dicttool Dictionary Tools
dns Tcl Domain Name Service Client
docidx_intro docidx introduction
docidx_lang_cmdref docidx language command reference
docidx_lang_faq docidx language faq
docidx_lang_intro docidx language introduction
docidx_lang_syntax docidx language syntax
docidx_plugin_apiref docidx plugin API reference
docstrip Docstrip style source code extraction
docstrip_util Docstrip-related utilities
doctoc_intro doctoc introduction
doctoc_lang_cmdref doctoc language command reference
doctoc_lang_faq doctoc language faq
doctoc_lang_intro doctoc language introduction
doctoc_lang_syntax doctoc language syntax
doctoc_plugin_apiref doctoc plugin API reference
doctools doctools - Processing documents
doctools2idx_introduction DocTools - Keyword indices
doctools2toc_introduction DocTools - Tables of Contents
doctools::changelog Processing text in Emacs ChangeLog format
doctools::cvs Processing text in 'cvs log' format
doctools::html::cssdefaults Default CSS style for HTML export plugins
doctools::idx docidx - Processing indices
doctools::idx Holding keyword indices
doctools::idx::export Exporting keyword indices
doctools::idx::export::docidx docidx export plugin
doctools::idx::export::html HTML export plugin
doctools::idx::export::json JSON export plugin
doctools::idx::export::nroff nroff export plugin
doctools::idx::export::text plain text export plugin
doctools::idx::export::wiki wiki export plugin
doctools::idx::import Importing keyword indices
doctools::idx::import::docidx docidx import plugin
doctools::idx::import::json JSON import plugin
doctools::idx::parse Parsing text in docidx format
doctools::idx::structure Docidx serialization utilities
doctools::msgcat Message catalog management for the various document parsers
doctools::msgcat::idx::c Message catalog for the docidx parser (C)
doctools::msgcat::idx::de Message catalog for the docidx parser (DE)
doctools::msgcat::idx::en Message catalog for the docidx parser (EN)
doctools::msgcat::idx::fr Message catalog for the docidx parser (FR)
doctools::msgcat::toc::c Message catalog for the doctoc parser (C)
doctools::msgcat::toc::de Message catalog for the doctoc parser (DE)
doctools::msgcat::toc::en Message catalog for the doctoc parser (EN)
doctools::msgcat::toc::fr Message catalog for the doctoc parser (FR)
doctools::nroff::man_macros Default CSS style for NROFF export plugins
doctools::tcl::parse Processing text in 'subst -novariables' format
doctools::toc Holding tables of contents
doctools::toc doctoc - Processing tables of contents
doctools::toc::export Exporting tables of contents
doctools::toc::export::doctoc doctoc export plugin
doctools::toc::export::html HTML export plugin
doctools::toc::export::json JSON export plugin
doctools::toc::export::nroff nroff export plugin
doctools::toc::export::text plain text export plugin
doctools::toc::export::wiki wiki export plugin
doctools::toc::import Importing keyword indices
doctools::toc::import::doctoc doctoc import plugin
doctools::toc::import::json JSON import plugin
doctools::toc::parse Parsing text in doctoc format
doctools::toc::structure Doctoc serialization utilities
doctools_intro doctools introduction
doctools_lang_cmdref doctools language command reference
doctools_lang_faq doctools language faq
doctools_lang_intro doctools language introduction
doctools_lang_syntax doctools language syntax
doctools_plugin_apiref doctools plugin API reference
dtplite Lightweight DocTools Markup Processor
fileutil Procedures implementing some file utilities
fileutil::magic::cfront Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files
fileutil::magic::cgen Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files
fileutil::magic::filetype Procedures implementing file-type recognition
fileutil::magic::rt Runtime core for file type recognition engines written in pure Tcl
fileutil::multi Multi-file operation, scatter/gather, standard object
fileutil::multi::op Multi-file operation, scatter/gather
fileutil::paths Manage search path pools
fileutil_traverse Iterative directory traversal
ftp Client-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol
ftp::geturl Uri handler for ftp urls
ftpd Tcl FTP server implementation
generator Procedures for creating and using generators.
gpx Extracts waypoints, tracks and routes from GPX files
grammar::aycock Aycock-Horspool-Earley parser generator for Tcl
grammar::fa Create and manipulate finite automatons
grammar::fa::dacceptor Create and use deterministic acceptors
grammar::fa::dexec Execute deterministic finite automatons
grammar::fa::op Operations on finite automatons
grammar::me::cpu Virtual machine implementation II for parsing token streams
grammar::me::cpu::core ME virtual machine state manipulation
grammar::me::cpu::gasm ME assembler
grammar::me::tcl Virtual machine implementation I for parsing token streams
grammar::me::util AST utilities
grammar::me_ast Various representations of ASTs
grammar::me_intro Introduction to virtual machines for parsing token streams
grammar::me_vm Virtual machine for parsing token streams
grammar::peg Create and manipulate parsing expression grammars
grammar::peg::interp Interpreter for parsing expression grammars
hook Hooks
html Procedures to generate HTML structures
htmlparse Procedures to parse HTML strings
httpd A TclOO and coroutine based web server
huddle Create and manipulate huddle object
ident Ident protocol client
imap4 imap client-side tcl implementation of imap protocol
inifile Parsing of Windows INI files
interp Interp creation and aliasing
irc Create IRC connection and interface.
javascript Procedures to generate HTML and Java Script structures.
jpeg JPEG querying and manipulation of meta data
json JSON parser
json::write JSON generation
lambda Utility commands for anonymous procedures
lazyset Lazy evaluation
ldap LDAP client
ldapx LDAP extended object interface
log Procedures to log messages of libraries and applications.
logger System to control logging of events.
logger::appender Collection of predefined appenders for logger
logger::utils Utilities for logger
map::geocode::nominatim Resolving geographical names with a Nominatim service
map::slippy Common code for slippy based map packages
map::slippy::cache Management of a tile cache in the local filesystem
map::slippy::fetcher Accessing a server providing tiles for slippy-based maps
mapproj Map projection routines
markdown Converts Markdown text to HTML
math Tcl Math Library
math::bigfloat Arbitrary precision floating-point numbers
math::bignum Arbitrary precision integer numbers
math::calculus Integration and ordinary differential equations
math::calculus::romberg Romberg integration
math::calculus::symdiff Symbolic differentiation for Tcl
math::changepoint Change point detection methods
math::combinatorics Combinatorial functions in the Tcl Math Library
math::complexnumbers Straightforward complex number package
math::constants Mathematical and numerical constants
math::decimal General decimal arithmetic
math::exact Exact Real Arithmetic
math::figurate Evaluate figurate numbers
math::filters Digital filters
math::fourier Discrete and fast fourier transforms
math::fuzzy Fuzzy comparison of floating-point numbers
math::geometry Geometrical computations
math::interpolate Interpolation routines
math::linearalgebra Linear Algebra
math::machineparameters Compute double precision machine parameters.
math::numtheory Number Theory
math::optimize Optimisation routines
math::PCA Package for Principal Component Analysis
math::polynomials Polynomial functions
math::probopt Probabilistic optimisation methods
math::quasirandom Quasi-random points for integration and Monte Carlo type methods
math::rationalfunctions Polynomial functions
math::roman Tools for creating and manipulating roman numerals
math::special Special mathematical functions
math::statistics Basic statistical functions and procedures
math::trig Trigonometric anf hyperbolic functions
md4 MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm
md5 MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
md5crypt MD5-based password encryption
mime Manipulation of MIME body parts
mkdoc Source code documentation extractor/converter application
mkdoc Extracts and optionally converts Markdown comments in source code to HTML
mpexpand Markup processor
multiplexer One-to-many communication with sockets.
nameserv Name service facility, Client
nameserv::auto Name service facility, Client Extension
nameserv::common Name service facility, shared definitions
nameserv::protocol Name service facility, client/server protocol
nameserv::server Name service facility, Server
namespacex Namespace utility commands
ncgi Procedures to manipulate CGI values.
nettool Tools for networked applications
nmea Process NMEA data
nns Name service facility, Commandline Client Application
nns_intro Name service facility, introduction
nnsd Name service facility, Commandline Server Application
nnslog Name service facility, Commandline Logging Client Application
nntp Tcl client for the NNTP protocol
ntp_time Tcl Time Service Client
oauth oauth API base signature
oo::util Utility commands for TclOO
oo::util Utility commands for TclOO
oometa oo::meta A data registry for classess
otp One-Time Passwords
page Parser Generator
page_intro page introduction
page_pluginmgr page plugin manager
page_util_flow page dataflow/treewalker utility
page_util_norm_lemon page AST normalization, LEMON
page_util_norm_peg page AST normalization, PEG
page_util_peg page PEG transformation utilities
page_util_quote page character quoting utilities
picoirc Small and simple embeddable IRC client.
pkg_dtplite Lightweight DocTools Markup Processor
pki Implementation of the public key cipher
pluginmgr Manage a plugin
png PNG querying and manipulation of meta data
pop3 Tcl client for POP3 email protocol
pop3d Tcl POP3 server implementation
pop3d::dbox Simple mailbox database for pop3d
pop3d::udb Simple user database for pop3d
practcl The Practcl Module
processman Tool for automating the period callback of commands
profiler Tcl source code profiler
pt Parser Tools Application
pt::ast Abstract Syntax Tree Serialization
pt::cparam::configuration::critcl C/PARAM, Canned configuration, Critcl
pt::cparam::configuration::tea C/PARAM, Canned configuration, TEA
pt::json_language The JSON Grammar Exchange Format
pt::param PackRat Machine Specification
pt::pe Parsing Expression Serialization
pt::pe::op Parsing Expression Utilities
pt::peg Parsing Expression Grammar Serialization
pt::peg::container PEG Storage
pt::peg::container::peg PEG Storage. Canned PEG grammar specification
pt::peg::export PEG Export
pt::peg::export::container PEG Export Plugin. Write CONTAINER format
pt::peg::export::json PEG Export Plugin. Write JSON format
pt::peg::export::peg PEG Export Plugin. Write PEG format
pt::peg::from::container PEG Conversion. From CONTAINER format
pt::peg::from::json PEG Conversion. Read JSON format
pt::peg::from::peg PEG Conversion. Read PEG format
pt::peg::import PEG Import
pt::peg::import::container PEG Import Plugin. From CONTAINER format
pt::peg::import::json PEG Import Plugin. Read JSON format
pt::peg::import::peg PEG Import Plugin. Read PEG format
pt::peg::interp Interpreter for parsing expression grammars
pt::peg::to::container PEG Conversion. Write CONTAINER format
pt::peg::to::cparam PEG Conversion. Write CPARAM format
pt::peg::to::json PEG Conversion. Write JSON format
pt::peg::to::param PEG Conversion. Write PARAM format
pt::peg::to::peg PEG Conversion. Write PEG format
pt::peg::to::tclparam PEG Conversion. Write TCLPARAM format
pt::peg_language PEG Language Tutorial
pt::pegrammar Introduction to Parsing Expression Grammars
pt::pgen Parser Generator
pt::rde Parsing Runtime Support, PARAM based
pt::tclparam::configuration::nx Tcl/PARAM, Canned configuration, NX
pt::tclparam::configuration::snit Tcl/PARAM, Canned configuration, Snit
pt::tclparam::configuration::tcloo Tcl/PARAM, Canned configuration, Tcloo
pt::util General utilities
pt_export_api Parser Tools Export API
pt_import_api Parser Tools Import API
pt_introduction Introduction to Parser Tools
pt_parse_peg Parser Tools PEG Parser
pt_parser_api Parser API
pt_peg_op Parser Tools PE Grammar Utility Operations
rc4 Implementation of the RC4 stream cipher
rcs RCS low level utilities
report Create and manipulate report objects
rest define REST web APIs and call them inline or asychronously
ripemd128 RIPEMD-128 Message-Digest Algorithm
ripemd160 RIPEMD-160 Message-Digest Algorithm
S3 Amazon S3 Web Service Interface
SASL Implementation of SASL mechanisms for Tcl
SASL::NTLM Implementation of SASL NTLM mechanism for Tcl
SASL::SCRAM Implementation of SASL SCRAM mechanism for Tcl
SASL::XGoogleToken Implementation of SASL NTLM mechanism for Tcl
sha1 SHA1 Message-Digest Algorithm
sha256 SHA256 Message-Digest Algorithm
simulation::annealing Simulated annealing
simulation::montecarlo Monte Carlo simulations
simulation::random Pseudo-random number generators
smtp Client-side tcl implementation of the smtp protocol
smtpd Tcl SMTP server implementation
snit Snit's Not Incr Tcl
snitfaq Snit Frequently Asked Questions
soundex Soundex
stooop Object oriented extension.
string::token Regex based iterative lexing
string::token::shell Parsing of shell command line
stringprep Implementation of stringprep
stringprep::data stringprep data tables, generated, internal
struct::disjointset Disjoint set data structure
struct::graph Create and manipulate directed graph objects
struct::graph::op Operation for (un)directed graph objects
struct::graph_v1 Create and manipulate directed graph objects
struct::list Procedures for manipulating lists
struct::map Manage key/value maps
struct::matrix Create and manipulate matrix objects
struct::matrix_v1 Create and manipulate matrix objects
struct::pool Create and manipulate pool objects (of discrete items)
struct::prioqueue Create and manipulate prioqueue objects
struct::queue Create and manipulate queue objects
struct::record Define and create records (similar to 'C' structures)
struct::set Procedures for manipulating sets
struct::skiplist Create and manipulate skiplists
struct::stack Create and manipulate stack objects
struct::tree Create and manipulate tree objects
struct::tree_v1 Create and manipulate tree objects
sum Calculate a sum(1) compatible checksum
switched switch/option management.
tar Tar file creation, extraction & manipulation
tcl::chan::cat Concatenation channel
tcl::chan::core Basic reflected/virtual channel support
tcl::chan::events Event support for reflected/virtual channels
tcl::chan::facade Facade channel
tcl::chan::fifo In-memory fifo channel
tcl::chan::fifo2 In-memory interconnected fifo channels
tcl::chan::halfpipe In-memory channel, half of a fifo2
tcl::chan::memchan In-memory channel
tcl::chan::null Null channel
tcl::chan::nullzero Null/Zero channel combination
tcl::chan::random Random channel
tcl::chan::std Standard I/O, unification of stdin and stdout
tcl::chan::string Read-only in-memory channel
tcl::chan::textwindow Textwindow channel
tcl::chan::variable In-memory channel using variable for storage
tcl::chan::zero Zero channel
tcl::randomseed Utilities for random channels
tcl::transform::adler32 Adler32 transformation
tcl::transform::base64 Base64 encoding transformation
tcl::transform::core Basic reflected/virtual channel transform support
tcl::transform::counter Counter transformation
tcl::transform::crc32 Crc32 transformation
tcl::transform::hex Hexadecimal encoding transformation
tcl::transform::identity Identity transformation
tcl::transform::limitsize limiting input
tcl::transform::observe Observer transformation, stream copy
tcl::transform::otp Encryption via one-time pad
tcl::transform::rot rot-encryption
tcl::transform::spacer Space insertation and removal
tcl::transform::zlib zlib (de)compression
tcl_community_communication Tcl Community - Kind Communication
tclDES Implementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers
tclDESjr Implementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers
tcldocstrip Tcl-based Docstrip Processor
tcllib_devguide Tcllib - The Developer's Guide
tcllib_install_guide Tcllib - The Installer's Guide
tcllib_ip IPv4 and IPv6 address manipulation
tcllib_license Tcllib - License
tcllib_releasemgr Tcllib - The Release Manager's Guide
tcllib_sources Tcllib - How To Get The Sources
tepam An introduction into TEPAM, Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager
tepam::argument_dialogbox TEPAM argument_dialogbox, reference manual
tepam::doc_gen TEPAM DOC Generation, reference manual
tepam::procedure TEPAM procedure, reference manual
term General terminal control
term::ansi::code Helper for control sequences
term::ansi::code::attr ANSI attribute sequences
term::ansi::code::ctrl ANSI control sequences
term::ansi::code::macros Macro sequences
term::ansi::ctrl::unix Control operations and queries
term::ansi::send Output of ANSI control sequences to terminals
term::interact::menu Terminal widget, menu
term::interact::pager Terminal widget, paging
term::receive General input from terminals
term::receive::bind Keyboard dispatch from terminals
term::send General output to terminals
textutil Procedures to manipulate texts and strings.
textutil::adjust Procedures to adjust, indent, and undent paragraphs
textutil::expander Procedures to process templates and expand text.
textutil::patch Application of uni-diff patches to directory trees
textutil::repeat Procedures to repeat strings.
textutil::split Procedures to split texts
textutil::string Procedures to manipulate texts and strings.
textutil::tabify Procedures to (un)tabify strings
textutil::trim Procedures to trim strings
throw throw - Throw an error exception with a message
tie Array persistence, standard data sources
tie Array persistence
tiff TIFF reading, writing, and querying and manipulation of meta data
tool TclOO Library (TOOL) Framework
tool::dict_ensemble Dictionary Tools
transfer::connect Connection setup
transfer::copy Data transfer foundation
transfer::copy::queue Queued transfers
transfer::data::destination Data destination
transfer::data::source Data source
transfer::receiver Data source
transfer::transmitter Data source
treeql Query tree objects
try try - Trap and process errors and exceptions
udpcluster UDP Peer-to-Peer cluster
uevent User events
uevent::onidle Request merging and deferal to idle time
unicode Implementation of Unicode normalization
unicode::data unicode data tables, generated, internal
units unit conversion
uri URI utilities
uri_urn URI utilities, URN scheme
uuencode UU-encode/decode binary data
uuid UUID generation and comparison
valtype::common Validation, common code
valtype::creditcard::amex Validation for AMEX creditcard number
valtype::creditcard::discover Validation for Discover creditcard number
valtype::creditcard::mastercard Validation for Mastercard creditcard number
valtype::creditcard::visa Validation for VISA creditcard number
valtype::gs1::ean13 Validation for EAN13
valtype::iban Validation for IBAN
valtype::imei Validation for IMEI
valtype::isbn Validation for ISBN
valtype::luhn Validation for plain number with a LUHN checkdigit
valtype::luhn5 Validation for plain number with a LUHN5 checkdigit
valtype::usnpi Validation for USNPI
valtype::verhoeff Validation for plain number with a VERHOEFF checkdigit
websocket Tcl implementation of the websocket protocol
wip Word Interpreter
xsxp eXtremely Simple Xml Parser
yaml YAML Format Encoder/Decoder
yencode Y-encode/decode binary data
zipfile::decode Access to zip archives
zipfile::encode Generation of zip archives
zipfile::mkzip Build a zip archive