widget_calendar - Calendar Megawidget
This package provides a calendar megawidget (snidget).
pathname get ?what?
Returns a part of the selected date or 'all'. The argument what selects the part. Valid values for what are: day, month, year and all. 'all' is the default and returns the complete date in the format given with -dateformat.
On creation of the calendar widget the following bindings are installed. When pressing a key the command is invoked and the textvariable is updated. updated.
Home - Move to the current date
Up - Move to week before current date
Down - Move to week after current date
Left - Move to day before current date
Right - Move to day after current date
Control-Left - Move to month before current date
Control-Right - Move to month after current date
Control-Up - Move to year before current date
Control-Down - Move to year after current date
package require widget::calendar ; # or widget::all set t [widget::calendar .t] pack $t -fill x -expand 1
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category widget::calendar of the Tklib Trackers. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.