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Check-in [1359443902]
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Comment: * doc/adwaita.png: Updated screenshots. * doc/arrowStyles.png: * doc/arrowStyles_vista.png: * doc/dirViewer.png: * doc/ubuntuMate.png: * doc/win10.png:
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User & Date: csaba 2020-04-21 17:19:34
* ../../examples/tablelist/*.tcl: Bumped the version number to 6.9; updated the copyright information; the scripts "dirViewer.tcl" and "dirViewer_tile.tcl" now also demonstrate how to use the variable "tablelist::scalingpct" for developing scaling-aware applications. check-in: af1787933e user: csaba tags: trunk
* doc/adwaita.png: Updated screenshots. * doc/arrowStyles.png: * doc/arrowStyles_vista.png: * doc/dirViewer.png: * doc/ubuntuMate.png: * doc/win10.png: check-in: 1359443902 user: csaba tags: trunk
* doc/bicolor*png: Renamed (bicolor|classic|plain)1.png, ..., * doc/classic*.png: (bicolor|classic|plain)4.png to * doc/plain*.png: (bicolor|classic|plain)100.png, (bicolor|classic|plain)125.png, (bicolor|classic|plain)150.png, and (bicolor|classic|plain)200.png; updated screenshots; added (bicolor|classic|plain)175.png. check-in: 6ffa4e402c user: csaba tags: trunk
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Changes to modules/tablelist/doc/adwaita.png.

cannot compute difference between binary files

Changes to modules/tablelist/doc/arrowStyles.png.

cannot compute difference between binary files

Changes to modules/tablelist/doc/arrowStyles_vista.png.

cannot compute difference between binary files

Changes to modules/tablelist/doc/dirViewer.png.

cannot compute difference between binary files

Changes to modules/tablelist/doc/ubuntuMate.png.

cannot compute difference between binary files

Changes to modules/tablelist/doc/win10.png.

cannot compute difference between binary files