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Comment: | Get latest plotchart fixes. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | tklib-0-6-rc |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA1: | 4956f861d818966bdd4cbdf74d0527be974cb710 |
User & Date: | aku 2013-03-15 01:57:25 |
| ||
02:02 | Regenerated embedded docs check-in: 9eac84a07b user: aku tags: tklib-0-6-rc | |
01:57 | Get latest plotchart fixes. check-in: 4956f861d8 user: aku tags: tklib-0-6-rc | |
| ||
16:15 | Since the support for subtexts to the axes requires options for the right axis when determining the margins, we need to use the rightaxis component for all relevant plot/chart types. check-in: 8c13632e14 user: markus tags: subtitles-and-corrected-tests | |
06:02 | Get widget fixes (dateentry & calendar) into release. check-in: 6f613f6445 user: aku tags: tklib-0-6-rc | |
Changes to modules/plotchart/plotconfig.tcl.
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 |
radialchart txplot 3dribbon boxplot windrose targetdiagram performance table } # define implemented components for each chart type: foreach {type components} { xyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} xlogyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask} logxyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask} logxlogyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask} piechart {title subtitle margin text legend background labels slice} spiralpie {title subtitle margin text legend background labels slice} polarplot {title subtitle margin text legend axis background} histogram {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} horizbars {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask bar object} vertbars {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask bar} ganttchart {title subtitle margin text legend axis background} timechart {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background} stripchart {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask} isometric {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask} 3dplot {title subtitle margin text legend xaxis yaxis zaxis background} 3dbars {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background} radialchart {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background} txplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} 3dribbon {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background} boxplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask bar} windrose {title subtitle margin text legend axis background} targetdiagram {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask limits} performance {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis bottomaxis background mask limits} table {title subtitle margin background header oddrow evenrow cell frame} } { set config($type,components) $components } # define implemented properties for each component: # (the '-' means that the component inherits the properties of the previous component on the list) |
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129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 |
radialchart txplot 3dribbon boxplot windrose targetdiagram performance table } # define implemented components for each chart type: foreach {type components} { xyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} xlogyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} logxyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} logxlogyplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} piechart {title subtitle margin text legend background labels slice} spiralpie {title subtitle margin text legend background labels slice} polarplot {title subtitle margin text legend axis background} histogram {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} horizbars {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask bar object} vertbars {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask bar} ganttchart {title subtitle margin text legend axis background} timechart {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background} stripchart {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} isometric {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} 3dplot {title subtitle margin text legend xaxis yaxis zaxis background} 3dbars {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background} radialchart {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background} txplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask} 3dribbon {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background} boxplot {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask bar} windrose {title subtitle margin text legend axis background} targetdiagram {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask limits} performance {title subtitle margin text legend leftaxis rightaxis bottomaxis background mask limits} table {title subtitle margin background header oddrow evenrow cell frame} } { set config($type,components) $components } # define implemented properties for each component: # (the '-' means that the component inherits the properties of the previous component on the list) |